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December 4, 2023
October 24, 2023

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This article describes what data can be evaluated on the Products page. Since variants in ELAM are specific manifestations of a product, the generic term products is also used in this article.

Generally speaking, ELAM saves all captured data when the operator works with the active flowchart in the wizard and acknowledges steps. All entries, acknowledgements and measured values are always saved for the respective variant and used for the statistics. Documents opened at runtime in the wizard's document viewer are not included in the statistics.

Completed products by status

The pie chart Completed Products by Status shows what % of variants were completed with the following statuses:

Status OK - show which variants have been completed with the status OK. These are products that have been successfully completed.

Status NOK - Shows which variants have been completed with the status NOK. These are defective products that are not in order and count as scrap, for example.

Status Unknown - Indicates which variants are completed with the status Unknown. These are products that have been completed, but the last step has neither OK nor NOK status.

Note: Please note that as a setter in the flowchart you have to specify exactly with which status your product should be completed by the completion step with OK or NOK. Unless the last step in the flowchart is a completion step, your product will be completed with the status Unknown.

Process quality

The average process quality shows you the percentage of individual steps in the flowchart that are error-free on the first process run and did not require any rework from the operator. For each completed variant, a separate process quality is also calculated and displayed in the list of completed products.

Formula for the calculation of process quality per variant

Sum of steps with status OK / sum of all steps * 100 = process quality (%)

Formula for calculating the average process quality

Total process quality (%) per variant / total of all variants = average process quality (%)

First Pass

The first pass or first yield shows you the percentage of variants that have already passed through the first process run without errors and have not required any rework. As soon as a single work step has the status NOK or Manual OK, the First Pass for the variant is false.

List of completed products

The list of completed products gives you an overview of all completed variants. You can set your own filters per column and search for specific information. Hiding columns is currently not supported.

Definition of the information in the list

Finished on - Indicates when the flowchart for the variant was completed in the wizard.

Started on - Specifies when the flowchart for variant was started for the first time in the wizard.

Serial number - Indicates whether a serial number was recorded in the wizard when a variant was started.

Order number - Indicates whether an order number was entered in the wizard when a variant was started.

Variant ID - Specifies the unique variant ID that has been stored by the setter in the administration.

Status - indicates the status (OK / NOK / Unknown) of the variant specified by the setter in the flowchart.

Process Time - Indicates the calculated time when the operator started and finished the flowchart in the wizard.

Down Time - Indicates the calculated time for a flowchart that was canceled by the operator in the wizard.

Assembly time - Specifies the calculated time for a flowchart that is in the wizard.

  •                Formula: Process time - Tool life = Assembly time

Difference - Specifies the median deviation of the assembly time as a percentage.

  •                Green indicator: The variants were completed faster than the median.
  •                Red indicator: Variants were completed slower than the median.

Process Quality - Indicates the percentage of steps in the flowchart that were completed with status OK.

  •                Formula: Number of steps with status OK / sum of all steps *100