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Manage groups

Manage groups

July 17, 2024
May 16, 2024

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In ELAM-Solutions you can freely create and manage any number of groups. Any number of users are assigned to each group and rights are enabled or disabled.

Create new groups

Only administrators with the group rights should manage groups. Go to the Groups page under Accounts and click the New Group button.

To create a new group:

  1. Enter a group name
  2. Click the Add User button
  3. Select your users
  4. Click Assign user on the button
  5. Click Save

Manage group permissions

Users get their permissions in ELAM-Solutions through the assigned groups. Generally speaking, permissions can be restricted only for administration.

Activate and deactivate group rights

Under Accounts , go to the Groups page and click the New Group button of click an existing group.

To enable or disable group rights:

  1. Click on any tab
  2. Activate or deactivate one or more rights at once via a toggle
  3. Click Save

Definition of rights

In ELAM-Solutions you are free to define user roles in the system and to control the rights via groups.

The following rights in the administration can be activated or deactivated.

Tab Permission Meaning Effect when activated Effect when disabled
ACCOUNTS Manage Users Allows to create, edit and delete users User menu is displayed User menu is not displayed
ACCOUNTS Manage groups Allows to create, edit and delete groups Groups menu is displayed Groups menu is not displayed
STRUCTURES View stations Allowss to create, edit and delete stations Stations menu is displayed Stations menu is not displayed
STRUKTURES View tools Allows to create, edit and delete tools Tools menu is displayed Tools menu is not displayed
PRODUCTS View Variants Allows to view created variants Variants menu is displayed Variants menu is not displayed
PRODUCTS View Components Allows to view created components Component menu is displayed Components menu is not displayed
WORKFLOWS View Flowcharts and Assignments Allows to view flowcharts and Assignments Flowchart list is displayed Flowchart list is not displayed
WORKFLOWS Release Flowcharts Allows to release flowcharts Release button is displayed Release button is not displayed
WORKFLOWS Manage Flowcharts Allows to create, edit and delete flowcharts Edit Flowchart button is displayed Edit Flowchart button is not displayed
WORKFLOWS Edit Assignments Allows to edit assignments between variants and flowcharts Assignments button is displayed Assignments button is not displayed