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Assign Documents to Variants

Assign Documents to Variants

July 17, 2024
March 10, 2024

In this article, you will learn how to assign documents (images, videos or PDFs) to a variant. This function allows you to provide variant-related documents while the variant is being produced. Documents are always assigned in ELAM Administration. Documents can be assigned to the variant either under Variants > Open variant > Assign document, or under Documents > Select / re-upload document > Assign variants.

How to assign documents to the variant in ELAM Administration

In ELAM Administration, click on Variants > Open variant > Assign document > Select existing documents or upload new ones > Save, in order to be able to assign existing or new documents to a variant.

In ELAM Administration, click on Documents > Select / re-upload document > Assign variants > Save, to be able to assign one or more variants to the document.

How to open assigned documents for the variant in the ELAM Assistant

Assigned documents for the variant can be opened if a flowchart for the variant is active in the ELAM Assistant. On the ELAM Assistant button, click Documents > Select document to display a document. The document is displayed in the foreground while the flowchart is active in the background. Close the document if you want to continue with the flowchart.

Note: Users in the ELAM Assistant can open the station-related documents in addition to the variant-related documents. Read this article on how to assign documents to the station.