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Update 2023-04-04 Notes

Update 2023-04-04 Notes

July 17, 2024
September 8, 2023

Table of Content

Please clean your browser cache after each update to be able to use the latest features.

Fixed bugs

  • When importing variants or parts, an understandable info message is shown.
  • Images taken with a smartphone and uploaded to Flowchart are no longer displayed distorted.
  • Regular Expressions are now supported in the Scancodes field under Variants .
  • Comment entries in the wizard can now also be entered using a normal keyboard.
  • Chinese language is saved to the user.
  • Stability of the Assistant has been adjusted so that no display is shown on top of each other when the flowchart loads sometimes.

Known errors

  • When uploading larger files at Structures > Documents, the info message immediately says "File uploaded". However, the upload continues until the file appears in the list and a detail dialog opens automatically to assign the files to a station or variant.
  • Workaround: Wait until the info message is not visible and the uploaded file appears in the list.

New features administration

  • Flowchart now fully supports all language translations for titles / headings.
  • For variant assignments in the flowchart, the variant ID and variant name are displayed in the dropdown . If the variant name is missing, "N/A" (Not Available) is automatically displayed as a placeholder.
  • On the Component Overview page, the Assigned Modules column is displayed for SmartLabels and/or Pick to Light modules.
  • Performance has been basically optimized for all lists so that data is loaded quickly.
  • The sequence of steps - Start, End-OK and End-NOK in the flowchart was fixed to improve the user experience.

New features Assistant

  • The following information is now additionally displayed for screwing steps.
  • Target number - how many OK screwings are expected
  • Program number - which program number was activated
  • Activated tool - Which tool was activated (Depending on the tool, the tool number (SmartTool) or the IP address (K-Ducer) of the controller is displayed.
  • When opening documents in the active flowchart, tabs for the variant and station are displayed. The user can call the assigned documents for the active variant or station.