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ELAM Assistant
Start form definition

Start form definition

July 17, 2024
September 27, 2023

Table of Content

The first interaction in the wizard always starts in the start form. Via this, the operator can start variants / flowcharts and call up documents.

Connection Status: Displays the live connection status to the cloud.

  • When the icon is green, then the Assistant has successfully connected to the cloud.
  • When the icon is orange, then the Assistant will try to connect to the cloud.
  • When the icon is red, then the Assistant cannot connect to the cloud.

Full Screen Mode: Allows you to turn full screen mode on or off.

Tool Overview: Displays all tools assigned to the current station.

Language settings: Displays the current language of the Assistant.

Document selection: Allows to call documents (pictures, videos, PDFs) assigned to the current station.

Variant selection: Allows to select a variant assigned to the current station.

System Info: Displays current system info.