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Manage user

Manage user

September 25, 2024
March 10, 2024

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You can invite an unlimited number of users to your ELAM Solutions system. All users can be found in the menu under Accounts on the Users page.

To create a new user:  

  1. Enter a username
  2. Enter a PIN-Code
  3. Enter optional an e-mail
  4. Select a group for the user
  5. Click save

Definition of user informations

User name: Can optionally be used for login to ELAM-Solutions. User names are unique and are required for identity and access management.

Personnel number: Logged exclusively in the product history when a user authorizes himself with a PIN.

Department: Used as a note and additional information.

PIN-Code: Used for authorizations in the wizard. You must provide the PIN to the user separately.

E-mail: Must be mandatory if a user is to get access to ELAM-Solutions. The invitation link is automatically sent immediately when you save the user data. After the invitation link is clicked, the user must assign his personal password and can then log in himself. Please note that the invitation link is only valid for 12h.

Note: Employees do not need an invitation link if you are working exclusively with the Assistant.

Groups: Should be assigned to users to control permissions.

Definition of the user roles

In ELAM Solutions you are free to define your own user roles in the system via groups and to control the rights.

Generally speaking, users can be divided into three different roles:

"Administrator", who has access to all functions in the system

"Manager", who has access to certain functions in the Administration, Assistant and Evaluation

"Operator", who is allowed to work with the Assistant only

Resend invitation link

If the invitation link has already expired, you can independently issue a new one for another 7 Days. Go to the Users page under Accounts and select a user who should get a new invitation link.

To create a new invitation link:

  1. Delete the email
  2. Click save
  3. Click on the user
  4. Enter the e-mail again
  5. Click save