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ERP Connector

ERP Connector

September 25, 2024
July 18, 2024

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The ELAM ERP Connector is a REST API (Representational State Transfer) that enables data to be imported into and retrieved from ELAM.

ELAM ERP-Connector Communication Flow

The main functions include the import of production orders, variants and components, which reduces manual errors and increases efficiency. Production orders are automatically assigned to the correct stations after import and can be started immediately by employees.

Data queries make it possible to obtain up-to-date information on production orders, such as status, progress and components installed in products.

OpenAPI Documentation

You can find the complete OpenAPI documentation here: https://app.elam-solutions.com/erpconnector/swagger/index.html

The documentation contains all information about the available endpoints, the required HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), the required and optional parameters and the expected responses.

Exchange of Data

A JSON structure is used for data exchange (JavaScript Object Notation).

Transport Protocol

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is used as the transport protocol.


The TLS (Transport Layer Security) security protocol is used for communication to ensure that data remains private and protected.


To be able to communicate with the REST API, the ERP Connector feature must be activated for your customer system. Contact your contact person to activate the feature for your customer system. You must send HTTP requests to the ERP Connector for communication. The other sections of the article describe what information you need to be able to send requests to the ERP Connector.

Connection settings

The ERP Connector feature appears in ELAM Administration Link for Swagger API documentation.

ELAM Administration - ERP Connector Connection Settings


In order to communicate with the ELAM ERP Connector, the Tenant ID and the Bearer Token are required.

  • Tenant ID: The tenant ID ensures that the customer has the necessary rights for the customer system. Each endpoint has its own URL. The tenant ID, which is individual for each customer system, must always be specified in the URL.
  • Bearer token: A bearer token is a type of access token used in the authentication and authorization of web applications. It is a cryptographically secure token that allows the bearer access to protected resources without the need for further authentication steps.
Note: The bearer token is specified in the authorization header and is currently valid for 30 days. The token must be regenerated after 30 days at the latest.

Create Bearer Token

  1. Click on the ERP Connector page in ELAM Administration
  2. Click on New Bearer Token on the button
ELAM Administration - Create Bearer Token

You will then be redirected to a page. Click on the Yes button to generate a new Bearer Token and close the browser window.

Note: The token generation will soon be changed to API keys.
Accept and create bearer token

The token is displayed in the Bearer Token field and can be copied using the copy button.

ELAM Administration - Show bearer token

HTTP requests can now be sent to the ERP Connector using the tenant ID and the bearer token.


Products are generally processed in the ELAM system. To ensure that the ELAM Solutions system can guarantee traceability, a product always has a batch size of 1. In the ERP systems, single-variety production orders are usually derived from customer orders, which can have a lot size >1. Such production orders are always separated in ELAM.

  1. Customer Order: Number of several products that are to be produced for a customer. These can be products of different characteristics in different quantities.
  2. Production Order: Single-variety number of several products that are to be produced. All products refer to the same variant.
  3. Quantity: The batch size is the quantity of products to be produced.
  4. Variant: A variant is a specific version of a product.
  5. Product: Individual product to be produced with the order import.
  6. Serial Number: Serial numbers are unique and are either imported for each product or generated by the ELAM system. The serial number uniquely identifies a product.

Which data can be imported?

The following data can be imported into ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:

  1. Production Orders: Production orders that are imported appear automatically in ELAM Administration on the Order overview page and in the ELAM Assistant at the respective stations. Imported production orders can be started immediately at stations.
  2. Variants
  3. Components

The following sections describe which data can be imported in detail.

Productions Order

The following production order data can be imported:

  • Production Order-ID (Required): Unique identifier of the production order. A production order may only exist once in the system.
  • Varianten-ID (Required): Unique identifier of the product so that it can be traced. If a variant ID is transmitted that is not known in ELAM Solutions, the variant is automatically created in the system. Please note that you must manually assign the variant to stations and flowcharts in the system so that the production order can be started in the ELAM assistant.
  • Quantity: The quantity of products to be produced.
  • Serial Number(s) (Optional): Serial numbers of the products.
Note: If no serial numbers are transmitted for the production order, ELAM-Solutions automatically generates serial numbers in a fixed format depending on the imported batch size. The format of the automatically generated serial number cannot be changed.

The automatically generated serial numbers are made up as follows:

Structure of the automatically generated serial number

Example with 10 automatically generated serial numbers:

  1. ID0815 - 000001
  2. ID0815 - 000002
  3. ID0815 - 000003
  4. ID0815 - 000004
  5. ID0815 - 000005
  6. ID0815 - 000006
  7. ID0815 - 000007
  8. ID0815 - 000008
  9. ID0815 - 000009
  10. ID0815 - 000010
Note: The running number (RunningNumber) starts with every import of a new production order from batch size=1.


Variants can be imported separately. This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.

The following variant data can be imported:

  • Variant-ID (Required): Unique identifier or characteristic of a product.
  • Name (Optional): Description or name of the variant. The name is not unique and may occur several times in the ELAM Solutions system.
  • Kommentar (Optional): Additional text information on the variant. The comment is not unique and may occur several times in the system.
  • Scancode (Optional): Unique identification of the variant using a RegEx (Regular Expression) code. A scan code is usually applied to the product in the form of a barcode or QR code and used for identification during assembly.


Components can be imported separately. This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.

The following component data can be imported:

  • Component-ID (Required): Unique identifier or characteristic of a component, often also known as article number.
  • Name (Optional): Description or title of the component. The name is not unique and may occur several times in the ELAM Solutions system.
  • Kommentar (Optional): Additional text information on the product. The comment is not unique and may occur several times in the system.
  • Scancode (Optional): Unique identification of the component using a RegEx (Regular Expression) code. A scan code is usually applied to the component in the form of a barcode or QR code and used for identification during assembly.

Which data can be deleted?

The following data can be deleted in ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:

  1. Production Orders
  2. Variants
  3. Components

The following sections describe which data can be deleted in detail.‍

Delete production orders

Production orders can only be deleted if not a single product of a production order has been started.

Delete variants

When the variant is deleted, the following data assigned to the variant is automatically deleted:

  1. Assignment of flowcharts to the variant
  2. Assignment of stations to the variant
  3. Products that are created with the order import and have the following status:
    • Released
    • In Progress
    • Locked
Note: Completed products are never deleted.

Delete components

When the components are deleted, the following data assigned to components is automatically deleted:

  1. Assignments of following modules
    • Bossard SmartLabels
    • Bossard SmartTower
    • KBS Pick to Light

Which data can be updated?

The following data can be updated in ELAM Solutions via the ERP Connector:

  1. Production Orders
  2. Variants
  3. Components

The following sections describe which data can be updated in detail.

Update production orders

Production orders that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system as long as no product from the production order has been started.

The following production order data can be updated via the ERP connector by specifying the unique production order ID:

  1. Production Order-ID (Required)
    • Variant-ID
    • Quantity
    • Serial Numbers

This is necessary for order-dependent order updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.

Update variants

Variants that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system by specifying the unique variant ID:

  1. Variant-ID (Required)
    • Name
    • Comment
    • Scancode

This is necessary for order-independent material updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.

Update components

Components that have already been imported can be updated retrospectively via the ERP system by specifying the unique component ID

  1. Variant-ID (Required)
    • Name
    • Comment
    • Scancode

This is necessary for order-independent parts list updates that are to be synchronized between the ERP system and ELAM Solutions.

What data can be queried?

The following data can be retrieved from ELAM-Solutions via the endpoints of the ELAM ERP-Connector:

  1. Production Orders
  2. Products

The following sections describe which data can be queried in detail.

Data of production orders

The following production order data can be queried by entering the unique production order ID:

  1. Variant-ID: Unique ID of the variant.
  2. Quantity: The quantity of products that have been produced.
  3. Quantity OK: The quantity of products that have been completed with the status OK.
  4. Quantity NOK: The quantity of products that have been completed with the status OK.
  5. Status of production order:
    1. Released
    2. Locked
    3. In Progress
    4. Finished
  6. Import Time: Date and time when the production order was imported.
  7. Start Time: Date and time when the first product of the production order was started.
  8. Finish Time: Date and time when the last product of the production order was completed.

Calling up the production order data enables you to retrieve the latest order status and synchronize it with your ERP system.

Data of products

The following production order data can be queried by specifying the unique product ID:

  1. Variant-ID: The unique designation of the variant.
  2. Variant-Name: Name of the variant.
  3. Serial Number: Unique serial number of the variant.
  4. ELAM-ID: Universal ELAM ID that is readable by humans.
  5. Product Status:
    1. Imported, but not yet started
    2. In Progress
    3. Finished
  6. Locked: Information on whether the product is currently blocked or not.
  7. Locked by: If the product is blocked, the user name of the person who blocked it is displayed. (e.g. user name)
  8. Production Order: ID of the production order.
  9. Start Time: Timestamp when the product was started.
  10. Last Change: Timestamp when the product was last updated.
  11. Finish Time: Timestamp when the product was completed.
  12. Throughput Time: Time how long the product took from start to finish.
  13. Assembly Time: Time how long the product was actually active in the ELAM Assisteten. The installation time is derived from this information.
  14. Stations: Information on which stations the product has passed through
    1. User: Information on which user name was actively logged in in the ELAM assistant
    2. Components: Components that have been removed during assembly
      1. Withdrawal Quantity: Actual quantity withdrawn.
      2. Component-ID: Unique ID of the component
      3. Scancode: Actual scan value of the component
    3. Fastening Values:
      1. Tool-Number: Tool number of the tool with which the screw connections were made.
        1. Program Number: Program or job after screwing.
        2. Status: Status of the screw connection (OK/NOK)
        3. Timestamp: When the screw connection was made
        4. Rotation Angle
          1. Actual-Value
          2. Target-Value
          3. Lower Limit
          4. Upper Limit
          5. Unit: °
        5. Torque
          1. Actual-Value
          2. Target-Value
          3. Lower Limit
          4. Upper Limit
          5. Unit: Nm
  15. Product Progress: ID of an individually set product progress. Also known as a process.